• (231) 245-6773
  • office@pro-linefencing.com
  • 13210 Phelps Ave NW, Kent City, MI 49330

Chain Link

Residential chain link fence installation in Grand Rapids.

Why Choose Chain Link?

A chain link fence can be crucial for the security of residential homes and for business premises in Grand Rapids. Proper fencing is an important element of the security of residential and retail properties.


In order to maximize security measures serious consideration needs to given to the type of fencing used.


In some situations a specific type of fencing could be ideal, in others it might be pointless putting it up. So here are particular benefits of chain link fences for people thinking about new fencing:

Chain Links Are Strong

Perhaps an obvious benefit of using this type of fencing is that the chain links will mean that it is strong. If the main reasons for having fencing are for securing the property then having strong fences are essential. Nobody intending to intrude on to property will be deterred by a weak looking fence.


Given the choice between a weak wooden panel or a strong chain link a burglar will go for the easy option. To break a well looked after chain link fence requires wire cutting tools which most intruders would not bother with. As a Grand Rapids fence installer, this type of fence is a popular choice.


Chain links are strong enough to keep things in your property such as domestic pets or farm animals. As much as keeping intruders at bay people do not want pets or even small children leaving their gardens. This type of fence will go into corners that other materials might not reach as well. That makes it pliable as well as strong.


If needs be the fences can be made taller so height can add to the deterrence of strength too. The chains are strong enough to add extra security features like barbed wire.

They Are Adaptable Types of Fencing

Depending on the exact size, material, and weight of individual rings chain link fences can be highly adaptable. Metal chains are strong and if not too large pretty adaptable to put in fences. The length of chains can be made to measure so too much fencing is not ordered.


It is generally easier to order exact lengths of chain link fences then buy excess lengths of wooden panels. Wood panels are more likely to be made to standard lengths then excess panels need to be cut to fit gaps. There is less chance of wasting fencing with chain links.


This type of fencing can be used to cover a large area or even a smaller area than wooden fences. If you have to fence a large piece of ground or garden then chain link fencing will be a more effective option. If the risk to your property is not too great links may also be a cheaper alternative to metal rails.

Chain Link Fences can be mixed with other fences

If you believe that chain link fences need extra bits adding these can be added. As it is adaptable and strong you can add extra security features and retain it’s benefits.


For instance you could put barbed wire or razor wire (for a cattle fence, for example) over the top though check if there are limits on their use. If worried that small animals could get through lower links wooden panels could be put on the bottom.

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